Sunday 11 December 2011


Hello to you, whoever you are, wherever you may be. If you found this post, congratulations - you have achieved the first of the impossible things you had scheduled before breakfast.

So what has been Ithrat Cordwallis been up to? Well, I've been building a bridge; it starts and finishes at the same spot, so there are some who'd have you believe there's no bridge there at all, but don't you believe them!

Aside from the bridge, I've been writing some more, although nothing but frivolities, which you can read by linking on the Doctor Who fictions page. And before you think it, 'fanfic' is not a dirty word. It's a <i> very </i> dirty word, but I am whore, and both of us are happy, especially given I offer my services for free. Right, okay, nothing off-colour in that paragraph... 

In other news, my important novel, now in its seventh year of gestation, still has only stumpy extremeties and an ill-formed limbic system, but I'm hoping to have it to you by 2015 at the latest; one to watch out for, I fancy!

And those are the headlines.

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